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Greatest Roman Catholic President: Garcia Moreno of Ecuador Read about St. Francis and his attempt to convert the Muslims!
Newest Books now available in print or Kindle format!
For more info please click HERE __________________
The Importance of Luisa Piccarreta
Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina articles
Medjugorje - Questions and Concerns
Recent Books
Available in Print or Kindle formats
Life of St. Peter the First Pope
The Truth about Padre Pio' Stigmata and Other Wonders of the Saint
Life of the Mystic Luisa Piccarreta, the Middle Years - Part A
Life of the Mystic Luisa Piccarreta, the Middle Years - Part B
Padre Pio on Salvation Outside the (Visible) Church
Published in Christian Order, December 2006 issue.
Cognitive Dissonance and the Church
How can the True Church be also a Modernist Church?
This article appears in the Dec. 31, 2012 issue of The Remnant
Chastisements, Purges, Destruction - and a Remedy
Luisa Piccarreta on the Perpetual Virginity of Mary
The Truth about Padre Pio's Stigmata
answering the carbolic acid accusations
The "Ecumenical Catholic Church"
Due Reverence Towards the Blessed Sacrament
How St. Francis changed the way we celebrate Christmas
According to the Council, man is the only creature on earth that "God willed for itself."
This statement is found in Vatican II's Gaudium et Spes. It stands condemned under a formal anathema, pronounced at Vatican I, since it denies that God created all things for Himself and His glory. Nothing in the universe was created for its own sake. |
The Importance of the Writings of Luisa Piccarreta on the Divine Will
and with John Paul II's Universal Salvation
Published in the Feb. 7, 2011 edition of The Remnant
Reprinted in the March, 2011 issue of Christian Order
Can a person be saved by any religion whatsoever?
How the moral authority of the Church was weakened by Vatican II
Dignitatis Humanae vs. "Domine, non sum dignus"
Vatican II's document on religious liberty and human dignity vs. "Lord, I am not worthy"
Published in the March, 2010 issue of Christian Order magazine.
Why they still fear Christmas!
Published in the December 25, 2009 issue of The Remnant
(An update of "Why they fear Christmas," from last January 31's issue of The Remnant)
the Great Saints of Old
Recognize the Catholic Church of Today?
From the book The Destruction of the Christian Tradition,
by Rama P. Coomaraswamy,
who converted from Brahmanic Hindism to Roman Catholicism.
Whatever Happened to Fire and Brimstone?
Finally, a Novus Ordo sermon on abortion, birth control, and sexual sins
Published in the September 30, 2009 issue of "The Remnant."
Interviewed by French television circa 1978, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, founder of the Society of St. Pius X, said the following:
"Since the Second Vatican Council the deposit of the faith has not been preserved."
". . . commitment to ecumenism means one can longer tell where the border between truth and error lies."
On Religious Liberty: ". . . there is no such thing as a natural or God-given right to err."
"But the fundamental unity between Church and State is a unity desired by God."
Something Missing in Medjugorje
Although warning of major chastisements for mankind's sins, in 30 years of public "messages" there is no specific condemnation at all of abortion, divorce, homosexuality or other grievous sins of our era.
Instead, 30 years of generalities.
The Greatest Catholic President: Garcia Moreno of Ecuador
by Frank M. Rega
This dramatic account of Garcia Moreno's public life is available from Angelus Press
It originally appeared serially in the British international Catholic monthly, Christian Order, in the May, and June-July 2008 issues.
Published in the January 31, 2009 edition of The Remnant
St. Pio defended the controversial encyclical, praising its lofty
teachings and eternal truths.
the light of the Humanae Vitaes other accurate predictions,
are mandatory birth control and abortion on the horizon for America?
Padre Pio's Secret: His Shoulder Wound
Published in Christian Order, February 2009.
Also published in "The Voice of Padre Pio," March-April 2008, pp. 23-23.
Read the "famous"
LifeSiteNews.com Interview: St. Francis of Assisi: Not a
Birkenstock-Clad Hippie But a Converter of Muslims
Interview with Frank Rega, author of St. Francis and the Conversion of the Muslims
interview has been translated by three European web sites into German, French,
and Italian
versions. |
My new book, St. Francis of Assisi and the Conversion of the Muslims is published by TAN Books and Publishers. The book tells the little-known story of how he joined the Fifth Crusade in an attempt to convert the Muslims to Christianity. He actually succeeded in crossing over to the camp of the Muslims and spoke with the sultan. A biography of the saint is also included. To inquire about autographed copies, email the author: St. Francis Book Thank You!!
Web site for the book: www.thepoverello.com
You may order the book from TAN Books.
Or order from Amazon.com (click below)
My book about St. Padre Pio is now in an exciting new second edition. Published by TAN Books and Publishers, it also has a new title, Padre Pio and America. Another new feature is a large photo section, including many in color. The first edition was entitled The Holy Man on the Mountain.
On July 5, 2008, the Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat were conferred on Padre Pio and America by Bishop Michael A. Saltarelli of the Diocese of Wilmington, and the by the diocesan Censor Librorum Rev. Leonard B. Klein.
The heart of this unique biography consists of interviews with American GI's who climbed the Gargano Mountain during W.W.II, in order to meet the stigmatized saint. Contains the complete story of the "Flying Monk" miracle. Also includes chapters on people close to Padre Pio and/or who made him known in this country, such as American heiress Mary Pyle, Fr. Joseph Pius, Joe Peluso, Joe Peterson, William Carrigan, Mario Bruschi, Charles Mandina, Vera Calandra (National Centre for Padre Pio), Marge and Joe Spada (Padre Pio Foundation), and many others.
A very limited number of copies of the first edition of the book are available. This edition, titled The Holy Man on the Mountain, was published by Aventine Press. Autographed copies of this first edition, or of the new edition, may be obtained. If you wish to inquire about an autographed copy, please send me an emal.
Email me here
...thank you...
To read an excerpt, from the chapter on Padre Pio's last Mass and final hours, click HERE
Medjugorje questions and concerns
Although I made two trips there on pilgrimage as a "true
believer," I now have serious questions and concerns about Medjugorje.
Donal A. Foley has completed a new book called "Understanding
Medjugorje: Heavenly Visions or Religious Illusion?
Click Here for my Review of the Book, which appeared in the July 31, 2006 issue of "The Remnant."
Donal Foley is a noted Marian expert and author. His web site is Theotokos.org.uk where some excerpts of his book can be read.
The Pope, Padre Pio, and a Miracle by Frank M. Rega A two part article published in the "Catholic Digest", Dec. 2007 and Jan. 2008 issues.
Comportment at Holy Mass and Afterwards A Letter from St. Padre Pio to Annita
Rodote |
Some of my thoughts on the totally unproven "theory" of evolution Evolution as Heresy?by Frank M. Rega As published in the August/September 2006
issue of Christian Order, |
Many pilgrims affirmed, Finally I have heard a true Mass! |
A Review of Fr. Joseph L. Iannuzzi's New Book: "The Splendor of Creation" by Frank M. Rega |
Did Padre Pio have the Holy Grail in his possession? Mysterious Greek cup was bequeathed by Padre Pio shortly before his death to another friar. A previously unpublished letter written by Padre Pio states that the cup was passed down from St. Peter. |
When Padre Pio was put under "house arrest" from The Diary of Cleonice Morcaldi |
What we must do after we have received the Blessed Sacrament "Stay with Me, My child, nor leave Me alone, The first five parts of |
Excerpt from the Life of Saint
Joseph by Maria Cecilia Baij, |
Renewed Interest in Dante's "Divine Comedy" Resurgence
sparked by Italy's Benigni |
All translations in any of my Web pages made from various Italian language sources are intended as an informal, good faith sharing from my own personal notes, and are not otherwise authorized, official, or presented as completely accurate.
Olinto De Pretto and E=mc2 In 1903, two years before Albert Einstein published his 1905 paper with the formula E=mc2, the formula was presented at a meeting of scientists in Italy by Olinto De Pretto, who discovered it. Recent research has shown that it is quite probable that Einstein was aware of De Pretto's work, since Einstein was fluent in Italian and studied the writings of contemporary Italian scientists. Here is a link to the article from the "Guardian" from November, 1999. Largely because of this formula, Einstein is considered by some to be 'man of the century". Quoted below is a translated excerpt from the Italian magazine Gente, issue of Dec. 2, 1999, p. 82: "There can be no doubts, the proofs are incontestable", affirms professor Bartocci. "Olinto De Pretto put into writing the most famous formula of our century in 1903, in a work entitled Ipotese sell'etere nella vita dell'universo, which was officially presented on November 29 of that year to the Royal Scientific Institute of Veneto. The news did not pass unobserved, and aroused the interest of the great astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli. The paper of Olinto De Pretto was included in a small volume on February 2 of the next year, 1904, with a preface by Schiaparelli, that was published by the Royal Institute..."
The greatest, most widely disseminated, and most popular science fiction story of all time is the theory of evolution. The main so-called 'mechanism of evolution', natural selection, has been shown to often work against the theory of evolution. For example, a bird's wings (or flying reptile's) have to be perfectly designed for them to function. A prototype wing, that couldn't really bring flight, would have no reason to be 'selected' for further development. In fact, it would make the animal more likely to be encumbered and a prey to other animals. (In Intelligent Design theory this is the concept of "irreducible complexity," coined by Michael Behe in his book "Darwin's Black Box." That is, all the parts of certain structures have to be present and fully developed before the structure can function. ) Therefore today scientists are searching for some other mechanism of evolution, so far unsuccessfully. They cannot solve the riddle of proteins and DNA. Proteins are highly complex structures whose growth and development are controlled by DNA. But the formation of DNA itself requires proteins. Then how could proteins 'evolve' unless there was DNA present. But the DNA cannot develop unless proteins are present. Neither could come first because they both need each other. At best only one in ten thousand genetic mutations is not harmful. Genetic changes due to mutations therefore could not account for an improvement in the species, but actually would cause it's "de-volution", since negative carryovers far outweigh the positive. Why is the teaching that evolution is a proven fact dangerous? "It has been shown in the material outlined earlier that belief in evolution is a common denominator of Nazism, Communism, Secular Humanism, Existentialism and Modernism. Thus it enables those belief systems to appear 'closed', and to purport that they are a total explanation of reality..." (p. 361). "If, through the influence of Evolution Theory, one loses sight of the fact that the basic dignity of each human being is derived from the possession of an immortal, rational soul, it is quite possible to support changes in society...which do not respect the sanctity of life and rights of human beings, both born and unborn" (p.315-6). These are just a couple of the arguments from the great book, "Creation Rediscovered", by Gerard Keane. It is available from Tan Books. I can truly say that by page 25 I was already convinced that the theory of evolution is pure science fiction. If you have any trouble believing that evolution is incompatible
with the Bible and Christianity, read this brilliant essay by Dave Root:"The Biblical
Evidence Against the Theory of Evolution" "We live by faith, not by sight." (2
Corinthians 5:7) For more info see the article: "Apes "R" Not Us" Catholics & the Debate Over Evolution. By George Sim Johnston See also the TCR article for more on evolution theory. EVOLUTION The basis of all life, or a fairy tale for scientists who reject God? World Net Finally, see my article "Evolution
as Heresy?" |
On Gargano hillside, March 2000, Italy.
Frank Rega is the author of: Padre
Pio and America,
Francis of Assisi and the Conversion of the Muslims,
Greatest Catholic President: Garcia Moreno of Ecuador
Life of the Mystic Luisa Piccarreta
- Journeys in the Divine Will vols. 1 and 2
Life of the Mystic Luisa
Piccarreta - volume 3 in preparation
Truth about Padre Pio's Stigmata and Other Wonders of the Saint
Vatican II, Evolution, and Medjugorje: Hubris, Heresy, and Mystery
www.frankrega.com www.sanpadrepio.com www.thepoverello.com www.lifeofluisa.com
Last revised: August 02, 2019.
Copyright 1998, 2006 Frank M. Rega